Just What is Pickleball and How Can You Join in? - Tennis Connected (2024)

When it comes to racket sports, around 13 percent of Americans were participating in 2019, but that number has likely gone up because one game has seen a surge in popularity.

Pickleball might not be something you have heard of, but you can guarantee you will be hearing more about it shortly as it is enjoying a huge post lockdown boost. It would appear that thousands of people have been sitting indoors just waiting until they can get out and play pickleball. The Best Pickleball Paddle for Beginners are also a great option for players new to the game.

Perhaps it isn’t that surprising when you look at two factors. One, people spent a lot of time indoors during 2020 and other physical activities have also seen a boost; bicycle sales for instance have gone up 60%. The second thing to consider when wondering why pickleball is so popular is that it is extremely accessible.

Ok, so what is pickleball?

If you’ve read this far it is probably fair to assume that you want to know more about pickleball. Put simply it is classed as a racket game although paddles are used, and it incorporates elements of table tennis, tennis, and badminton.

The ball is plastic (polymer) and contains up to 40 holes. The game itself is played inside or outside but requires a hard floor for the ball to be able to bounce on. Badminton courts are ideal for this and this is exactly where the game originally started.

How did it all start?

It all began in 1965 on Bainbridge Island in Washington State, when congressman Joel Pritchard returned home after playing golf. He and his friend Bill Bell found their families at Pritchard’s home bored and lacking something to do.

Pritchard had an old badminton court so he went to find rackets and shuttleco*cks to organize a game or two. Fortunately for future pickleball players, Pritchard was unsuccessful in his hunt and so decided to improvise with table tennis paddles and a perforated ball.

The game worked out so well that soon Pritchard, Bell, and a third friend were organizing regular games and fine-tuning the rules. A couple of years later the first pickleball court was made when Joel Pritchard decided to make one on his land.

In 1972, an official corporation was formed to look out for the sport, and now there is the International Federation of Pickleball which is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the sport.

Why is it called pickleball?

The stories behind the name have never been proven but one is that Joel Pritchard’s wife decided to call it pickleball due to the nature of the sport. Pickleball is a mash-up of different racket sports and a pickle boat is where sailors have been picked from different ships.

However, the Pritchards also owned a dog called Pickles, so the naming of the sport might be as simple as that. Perhaps the original perforated ball used was actually Pickle’s ball…

How can you start to get into pickleball?

If you are used to other racket sports then you might wonder if pickleball is easier than tennis or badminton. The answer isn’t straightforward as they require slightly different skills and the player moves slightly differently too.

Pickleball courts are smaller than tennis ones so there is less running, there is less movement needed, and it could be said the game is simpler.

If you want to get involved in pickleball then look for friends that already play the sport. This will be the easiest way to find a partner and some guidance. Alternatively, look for any local groups or places where pickleball is played and ask around to see if anyone is willing to let you join in.

Pickleball is played as a singles or a doubles game so there is every chance someone locally will be looking for a doubles partner. Pickleball is popular in schools and on college campuses too, so put your name down on any lists or join available classes. Of course, you will need to learn the rules too and get some equipment possibly.r

What equipment do you need?

One of the reasons that pickleball is so popular is that it is easy to join in. Unlike a sport such as skiing that takes some initial investment, pickleball requires very little in the way of equipment.

Leisurewear such as shorts and a t-shirt will be fine for playing indoors, and on a chilly day, a fleece will help. The net and court will be supplied by whichever ground you are playing on which only leaves the paddle, ball, and shoes.

A paddle can cost less than $15 and up to $150 for a top-of-the-range version, but these are for very serious players and pros. Of course pickleball paddles come in different qualities, weights and shapes. The one area you might want to invest in is for some good pickleball shoes as suggested here because they can make playing the sport much more comfortable. If you are moving around and on your feet, good shoes are a must for any sport.

This can be a challenge especially if you’re buying online without having an actual test on the paddles. You will need a set of paddles that is comfortable to handle as far as weight is concerned as this is a key factor when it comes to your performance on the court.

On the other hand, the grip will also play an important role while you’re using the paddles. The size of the handle should be comfortable enough for your hand.

Considering you might be new to the sport and as such you’re making your purchase online, reading through some pickleball paddles buying guides and reviews would be very helpful and thus highly recommended

How can you learn to play pickleball?

The rules have to be where you begin. As with any sport, understanding the rules is the key to becoming a better player and luckily, pickleball rules are pretty simple.

Many online resources explain the rules or if you prefer there are also some great beginner’s videos on YouTube that can help you get acquainted with the game.

If you want to improve your skills quickly in the sport then lessons can be arranged. There are many coaches in the USA and other countries now that will teach players from beginners upwards.

Once you have the basics under your belt then there is no substitute for practice and playing against an opponent. Find someone worthy of your new skills and challenge them to a game to see if the lessons have paid off.

Where can you go with pickleball?

It may surprise you to know that there are professional pickleball players, and the sport is having a few Olympic ambitions too. There are many tournaments spread across the states that offer cash prizes so it is possible to be a semi-pro or pro player.

You should reign in any thoughts of riches though. It is still early days and only a few players can make enough to live purely on pickleball. Gaining sponsorship will help increase your income, and you could also consider coaching.

Just as you were once looking for lessons, you could train other beginners in coaching. The PPR is going to be the official education and certification partner of the USA Pickleball Association. This will let would-be coaches get certified and receive more training to help with their own careers.


Pickleball is a fascinating sport that after 50 years is suddenly gaining huge momentum. It is suitable for kids and adults, and without any investment, so it is highly accessible.

Learning pickleball is not too difficult and perhaps the best way is to just jump straight in with a friend and play for fun. After all, the original inventors started the game purely to create an enjoyable activity that families could enjoy together.

It is unlikely Joel Pritchard ever imagined that multiple countries would adopt the sport and there would be professionals playing in tournaments across America.

Just What is Pickleball and How Can You Join in? - Tennis Connected (2024)


What is the definition of pickleball? ›

Pickleball is a racket or paddle sport in which two players (singles) or four players (doubles) hit a perforated, hollow plastic ball with paddles over a 34-inch-high (0.86 m) net until one side is unable to return the ball or commits a rule infraction.

Which 3 sports does pickleball combine? ›

Pickleball is a sport described as "a combination of ping-pong, tennis, and badminton", played in schools, parks and recreation centers, correctional facilities, camps, and retirement communities mostly in North America.

What is pickleball and why is it so popular? ›

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong using a paddle and plastic ball with holes. It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. Rules for pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport.

Will people pay to play pickleball? ›

Usually, there's at least one court reserved for beginner players, with the rest split between intermediate and advanced. Some places charge a small fee for open play; at some locations it's free. Most open-play setups will have a pickleball “ambassador” on-site to answer questions and help you find the right court.

Who should not play pickleball? ›

Pickleball is an easy to learn, low impact exercise that can be enjoyed by most people. However, if a person has significant cardiovascular or pulmonary conditions that limit their ability to exert themselves, participating in Pickleball or other exercise activities should be discussed with their physician.

What does dill mean in pickleball? ›

It's fun, easy to pick up for first-timers and a great way to stay active. It can be really competitive if you want, or you can play a more laid back game with friends. But perhaps the most fun part of pickleball is getting to know all the silly terms: Dillball: Shot that is inbounds and has bounced once; a live ball.

What sport is closest to pickleball? ›

Padel is a relatively new sport similar to pickleball, racketball and squash. Players use perforated, hard-plastic paddles and a ball like a tennis ball, but slightly heavier and with less pressure.

Are pickle balls and wiffle balls the same? ›

When it comes to pickleballs and wiffle balls, their construction is the biggest difference. Pickleballs are typically made from a durable, high-impact plastic, ensuring they withstand intense gameplay. On the other hand, wiffle balls are crafted with lightweight plastic that allows for precise control and accuracy.

Is pickleball more like tennis or ping-pong? ›

So, is pickleball more like ping-pong or tennis? Well, it's a bit of both! The court size and net height are similar to ping-pong, and the ball looks like a wiffle ball. But the scoring and court positioning are more like tennis.

Why do older people love pickleball so much? ›

Aside from being great exercise, there are many reasons why pickleball is attractive to older adults. Since you don't have to cover as much distance as you would on the tennis court, especially if you play doubles, pickleball is physically accessible. There's some learning involved, but it's not too complex.

Why do people like pickleball more than tennis? ›

“In pickleball, you're hitting a plastic wiffle-like ball, so it's less bouncy and doesn't fly as fast through the air. And the paddle is much easier to handle because it's shorter and lighter than a tennis racket.” You also serve underhand in pickleball, and underhand serves are easier to hit and return.

Why do people love pickleball so much? ›

Pickleball is relatively approachable and a great picker-upper, requiring very little practice. Even competitive athletes can have a delightful time participating in pickleball games. Plus, the sport is easy on the body while helping you work up a sweat—ideal for those cross-training days.

Can only 2 people play pickleball? ›

Like many racket sports, pickleball is for two to four players. One person serves the ball; then it's hit back and forth across the net to earn points. Here's how you play: Serving is always underhand and must happen without the ball touching the ground.

Am I too old to play pickleball? ›

With its low-impact nature, adaptability, and focus on enjoyment rather than skill level, pickleball is an ideal sport for individuals aged 70 and beyond. It offers a range of physical and mental health benefits, promotes social connections, and provides a platform for active engagement.

Is it okay to play pickleball everyday? ›

You may be tempted to play pickleball every day, but your body needs rest. If you have sore muscles or joints, use ice to reduce inflammation. Rest until the pain is gone. Stretching on your rest days can also promote recovery and improve flexibility.

What does pickle mean in pickleball? ›

If you're pickled when playing pickleball, it doesn't mean anything good. The term refers to scoring 0 points. If you score even 1 point, you've not been pickled, but an 11-0 game means the losing side was pickled.

Can you play pickleball on grass? ›

Can you play pickleball on grass? The simple answer is yes, but not very effectively. If you're really stuck for somewhere to play and don't mind an irregular, low bounce, then it is possible to play on grass. Ideally, the surface should be very even and mown short—like a grass tennis court.

What does 3 mean in pickleball? ›

A 3.0 player can hit a medium-paced forehead and backhand, can serve with depth and accuracy, can control a dink rally, can hit a medium-paced third-shot drop, and can hit a medium-paced volley with direction as well as understanding the fundamentals of the game, positioning and has played in tournaments.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.