28 Day Wall Pilates Challange Free: PDF Free, Chart, For Beginners - Fitt & Strong (2024)

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You have come to the place where you will find the 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge Free. It will show you effective and engaging ways to strengthen your body and improve flexibility and overall well-being.

Wall Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on developing core strength, increasing body awareness, and improving posture. By incorporating walls in Pilates exercises, we can make the exercise effective and bring a new dimension to our practice. It combines breath control and precise movements that create a harmonious connection between body and mind.

This 28 Day Wall Pilates will last a total of 4 weeks and each week will be a different challenge that will improve your overall body. Foundation and core activation in week 1, stability and balance in week 2, flexibility and range of motion in week 3, and full body challenge in week 4.

Before starting 28 Day Wall Pilates, I have covered some frequently asked questions so that you can get the most out of this post. Like the 28-Day Wall Challenge, Is Wall Pilates Effective and The Amazing 7 Benefits of Wall Pilates.

Another one in the Wall Pilates series is the excellent 21-Day Wall Pilates Challenge and 30 Day Wall Pilates Challenge, the results of which are also pretty amazing, in case you missed it, do check it out first.

Table of Contents

Is It Really 28 day Wall Pilates Challenge Free

Yes, Fit & Strong will give you the 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge absolutely free of charge. In which neither you need to click on any unnecessary link nor any additional equipment and props. All you need is a sturdy wall and your body weight to perform this 28-day Wall Pilates workout.

Do you want to know what is going to happen in 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge? Some specific factors and physical abilities will be challenged in this Wall Pilates series featuring the latest updated exercises. Like lower body workouts, upper body workouts, abs workouts, booty workouts,s and many more special.

Everyone’s physical abilities will be different. It becomes difficult to stay physically active especially when the body crosses a certain age. Wall Pilates for Seniors has been added to the wall pilates series which can be availed by senior citizens or beginners free of cost.

28 day Wall Pilates Challenge PDF Free, Chart

I have received many messages and emails that the free PDF of the Wall Pilates Challenge is not available anywhere online, and many people are facing difficulty in following the daily workouts.

Being your fitness expert, I have converted the entire workout plan into a PDF file so you can easily follow it daily.

Here’s a free PDF chart of the 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge:


What Is The 28-Day Wall Challenge

The 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge is a fitness program with wall support and resistance. And it includes combined elements of many Pilates exercises.

This challenge is designed for 28 days in which Pilates movements will be performed using a wall as support. It consists of a series of exercises that are performed in front of a wall. Thereby, different muscle groups of the body are targeted and the body gets proper alignment, control, stability, and shape.

Along with the amazing experience from this challenge, you will have a progressive effect on your strengthen, core strength, increased flexibility, enhanced posture, and better overall body awareness.

Additionally, every day of this Wall Pilates challenge is special, which trains your upper body and lower body in balance. So that you can get better results in 1 month.

Are Wall Pilates Effective | Benefits

The effectiveness of Wall Pilates depends on a variety of factors. Such as your consistency, effort, and adherence to proper form. For Wall Pilates to be effective, you have to do all the exercises for 28 days with proper limits and in the right way. Due to this, the risk of injury is reduced and some Benefits are also available like,

  • Developed Core Strength
  • Corrected Alignment and Posture
  • Boost Energy levels
  • Increased Flexibility and Range of Motion
  • Improved Balance and Stability
  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Improved Skin tone and Body Shape
  • Improved Muscle Tone

Get Start 28 day Wall.pilates Challenge:4 Steps

Before diving into the 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge there are a few important things to remember, such as your space, setting up the Wall Pilates area, equipment needed, and most importantly a warm-up and cool-down routine for a successful and enjoyable experience.

28 Day Wall Pilates Challange Free: PDF Free, Chart, For Beginners - Fitt & Strong (1)

Step 1: Prepare Your Space

-Choose a good spot in your home where you can practice Pilates in peace without distractions.

-Create a safe environment and remove objects or furniture that hinder your activities.

-Adding some elements like candles, soothing music, and soft lighting will create a calming atmosphere that is best for Pilates.

Step 2: Set up Wall Pilates Area

-To do wall Pilates, you need to find a wall that is strong and flat and has enough space so that your body can move freely.

-Along with having enough space, you should also see that your hands and feet do not touch any sharp edges or any obstruction during the exercise.

-For better grip and comfort on the wall. first, wipe off any dust or dirt from the wall surface.

Step 3: Wall Pilates Equipment Needed

Wall Pilates Equipment
Dumbbells – 5 LBS and 10 LBS or as per your capicity
Ankle Weights – 5 LBS and 10 LBS or as per your capacity
Mat – Having good cushion and grip
Resistance Bands – Different levels
Towel – For cushion and Support
Small Inflatable Ball – Medium Size

-To do Pilates properly, use a mat with good cushion and grip, which will give good support to your body during exercise.

-Get some versatile resistance bands from a good brand that will add variety and resistance to your workouts. You can choose different levels of resistance bands depending on your ability and fitness level.

-To target specific moves or balance and core stability, you can use a small inflatable ball in exercises.

-During specific exercises, keep a towel and cushion nearby for better support.

Step 4: Warm up and Cool-down

-Before starting the exercise, you should warm up for a few minutes. This increases the blood flow in the body and allows the synovial fluid to flow properly in the joint, thereby minimizing the risk of injury.

-Similarly, stretching is also necessary after completing the exercise. The incorporated dynamic stretch increases your flexibility.

-Cooling down the body after every session is also essential to prevent muscle soreness and recovery.

Week 1- Foundation and Core Activation in 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge

Congratulations on starting the 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge! here is the Wall Pilates Exercise chart. In the first week of this challenge, you’ll get to practice the basics of some Wall Pilates exercises to get your foundation strong.

In this 1st week wall pilates, you have to focus entirely on core strength, stability, and proper form. To be successful in this challenge you will have to push yourself for 7 days moving forward. And with these key elements in mind, let’s get started.

MixUpper Body, CardioGlutes, Arms, AbsFull BodyAbs, CardioStrenghtRest Day
:-Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upRest Day
Wall Squats 2×10Wall Push-ups 2×15Wall Bridge 2×15Wall Squats 2×10Wall Crunches 2×15Dumbbell Decline floor press 2×15
Wall Planks 2×10Dumbbell Decline floor press 2×15Wall Crunches 2×15Wall Push-ups 2×15Wall Planks 2×15Wall Hip Trust 2×15
Wall Bridge 2×10D/b Front Raise 2×15D/b Tricep Extention 2×15Wall Angel 2×20Wall side Bend 2×15Wall Sits
Wall Push-ups 2×10D/b Lateral Raise 2×15D/b Bicep Curls 2×15Wall Calf Raises 2×20Wall Sit Rotation 2×15Wall Squats 2×15
Wall Angel 2×20D/b Front Raise 2×1520 Minutes Cardio


Dumbbell Decline floor press: You have to lie on your back and keep both your feet up on the wall. If you want, you can also use a ball or bridge pose.

D/b Tricep Extention: For this, you have to lie on the back on the mat and keep both your feet on the wall. And then do tricep extension with both hands.

D/b Bicep Curls: You should first come in the position of the wall seat and touch the elbows on the wall with both hands and start bicep curls.

Week 2: Stability and Balance in 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge

This 2 week Wall Pilates exercise chart is going to be a bit of a challenge. This week in Wall Pilates your stability and balance will be improved so you can get to the intermediate and advanced levels in this Wall Pilates series.

Remember, to get good stability and balance, you need to do a lot of wall Pilates exercises to develop proprioceptors in the body. The main focus is to adapt the body to this exercise so that you can do Wall Pilates well next week.

Upper Body, CardioMixAbs, CardioStrenghtGlutes, Arms, AbsFull BodyRest Day
D/b Wall Angel 2×20Wall Bridge 2×20Wall Teaser 2×20Wall Squat with Overhead Press 2×20Wall Hip Trust 2×20Wall Arabesque 2×20
Dumbbell Decline floor press 2×20Wall Squats 2×20Wall Reverse Plank 2×20Wall Standing Roll Down 2×20D/b Bicep Curls 2×15Wall Clamshell 2×20
Wall Swimming 2×20Wall Push-ups 2×20Wall Bicycle 2×20Wall Pike 2×20D/b Tricep Extention 2×15Wall Squat with Overhead Press 2×20
D/b Front Raise 2×20Wall Teaser 2×20Wall Side Bend 2×20Wall Mermaid 2×20Wall Teaser 2×20Wall Scissor 2×20
D/b Lateral Raise 2×20Wall Scissor 2×20Wall Side Plank 2×20Wall Push-up with Leg Pull 2×20Wall Bridge 2×20Wall Arabesque 2×20
Wall Arabesque 2×2020 Min CardioWall V-SitWall Reverse Plank 2×20

Week 3: Flexibility and Range of Motion in 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge

Flexibility and range of motion are also greatly improved with Wall Pilates. Making muscles flexible takes dedicated time but you can increase it by practicing some wall pilates stretching exercises.

Incorporatively Wall Pilates is a great way to make the body flexible, some of its exercises are similar to yoga. As the body becomes flexible, your muscles lengthen and joint mobility improves, and moments of peace and tranquility are found

In this 3-Week of Wall Pilates Challenge, you have to use weights for every exercise like Weight with Squats and etc. Such as dumbbells, kettlebells, ankle weights, or resistance bands of various levels. Due to this, your body becomes flexible as well as strong, due to which weight is reduced with Wall Pilates.

MixUpper Body, CardioGlutes, Arms, AbsFull BodyAbs, CardioStrenghtRest Day
Warm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upWarm-upRest Day
Wall Squats 3×10Wall Push-ups 3×15Wall Bridge 3×15Wall Squats 3×10Wall Crunches 3×15Dumbbell Decline floor press 3×15
Wall Planks 3×10Dumbbell Decline floor press 3×15Wall Crunches 3×15Wall Push-ups 3×15Wall Planks 3×15Wall Hip Trust 3×15
Wall Bridge 3×10D/b Front Raise 3×15D/b Tricep Extention 3×15Wall Angel 3×20Wall side Bend 3×15Wall Sits
Wall Push-ups 3×10D/b Lateral Raise 3×15D/b Bicep Curls 3×15Wall Calf Raises 3×20Wall Sit Rotation 3×15Wall Squats 3×15
Wall Angel 3×20D/b Front Raise 3×1520 Minutes Cardio
15-min Stretching15-min Stretching15-min Stretching15-min Stretching15-min Stretching15-min Stretching

Week 4: Challenge and Full Body Workout in 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge

In the last and final week of the Wall Pilates Challenge, we’ll target the whole body so you can get exceptional results. You will learn How to Lose Weight with the Wall Pilates Challenge in this last week’s Wall Pilates Exercises.

This wall Pilates exercise will tone all the muscles of the upper body, lower body, abs, and glutes and also change the shape of the body. So let’s get started on the transformation that awaits you in this 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge.

Upper Body, CardioMixAbs, CardioStrenghtGlutes, Arms, AbsFull BodyRest Day
D/b Wall Angel 3×20Wall Bridge 3×20Wall Teaser 3×20Wall Squat with Overhead Press 3×20Wall Hip Trust 3×20Wall Arabesque 3×20
Dumbbell Decline floor press 3×20Wall Squats 3×20Wall Reverse Plank 3×20Wall Standing Roll Down 3×20D/b Bicep Curls 3×15Wall Clamshell 3×20
Wall Swimming 3×20Wall Push-ups 3×20Wall Bicycle 3×20Wall Pike 3×20D/b Tricep Extention 3×15Wall Squat with Overhead Press 3×20
D/b Front Raise 3×20Wall Teaser 3×20Wall Side Bend 3×20Wall Mermaid 3×20Wall Teaser 3×20Wall Scissor 3×20
D/b Lateral Raise 3×20Wall Scissor 3×20Wall Side Plank 3×20Wall Push-up with Leg Pull 3×20Wall Bridge 3×20Wall Arabesque 3×20
Wall Arabesque 2×2020 Min CardioWall V-SitWall Reverse Plank 3×20

Bottom Line Of 28 Day Wall Pilates Challange

Congratulations on completing this 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge. You were on a transformational journey where you regained your strength, flexibility and toning of your body as well as a deeper connection of mind and body.

In this 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge, you learn basic Wall Pilates and strengthen the foundation. Every week was full of new challenges, which you have completed in this article.

You see how I have prepared a free Wall Pilates Chart for you, which you can follow to achieve your goals. With this Wall Pilates, your body will progress and grow and with a remarkable transformation.

I have listed 7 benefits of Wall Pilates which are very effective. Beyond the physical benefits, some important Get Started guides are mentioned in this 28 Day Wall Pilates Challenge that is absolutely up to date. If you haven’t started this challenge yet, start this 28 day Wall Pilates Challenge from today itself.

Is the BetterMe 28 day Wall Pilates Challenge free?

No, BetterMe Wall Pilates is not free. All the challenges, exercise, and diet given on this app are Subscription-based. Its monthly membership is approximately $ 20, and credentials are taken when logging in. Based on this, it automatically charged a price after a 7-day free trial.

28 Day Wall Pilates Challange Free: PDF Free, Chart, For Beginners - Fitt & Strong (2024)


Is there a free 28-day wall Pilates app? ›

Ready to embark on a rewarding fitness journey? Download our app today and immerse yourself in the 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge for free.

Does 28-day wall Pilates really work? ›

The 28-day wall Pilates program did wonders for my back pain — more than meds, heating pads, or ice packs had ever been able to accomplish. Whether this was a result of all the targeted core work, the dedicated days to full body stretching, or a combination of both, my lower back felt better than it had in years.

Is the 28-day challenge free for beginners? ›

💪 IT'S 100% FREE TO DOWNLOAD! 💪 All my CHALLENGES are in the app and INTERACTIVE. 💪 There's even a CHALLENGE PROGRESS BAR to show you what % of the challenge you've completed to keep you motivated!

Does Wall Pilates work for beginners? ›

Wall pilates is a fantastic way to enhance your workout routine without fancy equipment. Whether you're a beginner or dealing with issues like back pain, or even rehabbing an injury, it's an effective workout for your core that you can easily do from home.

Is there a totally free Wall Pilates app? ›

Download our app today and immerse yourself in the 28-Day Wall Pilates Challenge for free. Unleash the power of wall-assisted exercises and experience a stronger, more balanced you! Download Now and Transform Your Workout Routine with Wall Pilates!

Do Wall Pilates actually work to lose weight? ›

If you find strength training in the gym intimidating, and running or high-intensity classes aren't for you, you could consider wall pilates for weight loss. It might sound surprising, but this low-impact workout (which has been going viral on TikTok recently) can actually offer serious results.

Does Wall Pilates really help you lose weight? ›

Wall Pilates can help to burn calories, build muscle, and improve flexibility. One study found that people who did Wall Pilates for 12 weeks lost an average of 3 inches from their waistlines. Another study found that Wall Pilates was effective at reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.

Does Wall Pilates reduce belly fat? ›

However, while it is possible to target particular muscles for growth and strength, it is not possible to 'spot reduce' for fat loss by focusing your training on one body part, and even the best wall pilates exercises can't make miracles happen [7].

Do the 30 day challenges do anything? ›

The short term benefits

You may experience increased energy levels, improved mood, and better sleep. You may also notice some changes in your body, such as increased fullness in your muscles due to muscle glycogen and reduced body fat. These short-term benefits can be a great motivator to continue your fitness journey.

Is the 30 day challenge app free? ›

It's really free!

It asks for your opinion ONLY after 30 days, when you can see results. There are no annoying adds, that will appear in the middle of the workout. I'm in love with this app!

Is challenges app free? ›

Challenges is a free fitness app that allows owners of fitness trackers to combine exercise with friendly competition to motivate participants towards their health goals.

What is the difference between Pilates and Wall Pilates? ›

Wall Pilates involves similar moves to those performed in mat Pilates, but in this instance the wall is all-important. You might use the wall "to assist with support to make a movement easier, or to challenge and increase intensity," explains Lindsay.

How quickly do you see results from Wall Pilates? ›

Mowatt started to see results after about a month of doing 10-30-minute wall Pilates workouts; noticing an improvement in her strength, flexibility and coordination. Are these results something everyone can expect? "When starting from nothing, yes, you can see improved strength or balance," says Milton.

Which Wall Pilates app is best? ›

Top 10 Wall Pilates Apps of 2024
  • Centr, by Chris Hemsworth.
  • Peloton – Fitness & Workouts.
  • Lumowell – Ego360.
  • Pilates & Barre by Fittbe.
  • Pilates Exercises at Home.
  • 30 Day Pilates Challenge.
  • BetterMe: Health Coaching.
  • 5 Minute Pilates.

Which is the best free wall Pilates app? ›

The BetterMe wall Pilates app is really the best Pilates app for iPhone and Android devices. It's user-friendly, has excellent video demonstrations, and provides a variety of workouts that target all muscle groups (1). Wall Pilates For Weight Loss: Does It Work?

Is Better Me Wall Pilates free? ›

Available for free from the App Store or Google Play (with premium features available for purchase), this app encourages healthy mental and physical lifestyle changes in accessible ways. Instead of intense programs or easy-to-fail workouts, this approach focuses on personalized solutions to mastering healthy habits.

Is there a 100% free workout app? ›

Nike Training Club is a free fitness app with a robust workout library that includes one-off workouts as well as periodized programs led by certified instructors. Unlike most apps on this list, Nike Training Club doesn't have a free and premium version; it's just free.

How many times a week should you do Wall Pilates? ›

However, if you're looking to make long-term progress, we recommend you commit to longer sessions, ideally lasting around 60 minutes, three to five times a week, to train your muscles and give them time to relax and recover.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.